Culling Kangaroos for Money
Approximately 60% of Australia’s land is used for grazing livestock and growing crops. Another 17% is mined by mining companies. Agriculture and mining utilise 77% […]
Approximately 60% of Australia’s land is used for grazing livestock and growing crops. Another 17% is mined by mining companies. Agriculture and mining utilise 77% […]
Every morning, kangaroo legs, tails and paws litter Australia. They are discarded by commercial hunters. Baby joeys and young at foot are bashed or bludgeoned to death, then thrown away as waste.
I was a professional kangaroo shooter 38 years ago. Now I spend an inordinate amount of time in the defence of animals that are doing poorly at the hands of humans. You may ask as to what has led me to do a complete turnabout in my thinking, and expect
The South Australian Department for Environment and Water (DEW) produced the draft South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2020-2024. According to the South Australian Government’s Your Say website: The main goal of the kangaroo
The Australian Government and the kangaroo industry would like you to believe that the practice of killing kangaroos is humane and beneficial, even to kangaroos. Let’s see for ourselves. The following instructions on how to euthanase young kangaroos is taken from
Kangaroo meat is sold as a healthy red meat. Videos and photos depict clean, modern, refrigerated plants where the carcasses are processed. What isn’t advertised is the unhygienic conditions in which kangaroos are hunted, gutted, transported and stored.
In Australia, kangaroos are considered pests by many farmers and graziers. They claim that kangaroos compete with their livestock and cause damage to crops, fences and equipment. Some farmers would like to see kangaroos erased from the landscape. This story
A search of the internet brings forth the often quoted number of 50 million kangaroos in Australia, two kangaroos per person. Research indicates that kangaroo numbers peaked in 2016. Since then kangaroo numbers have crashed for a variety of reasons: legal
The average global temperature is predicted to rise 2-3°C by the end of the century, placing approximately 20-30% of the world’s species at risk of extinction. The possible impacts on kangaroo populations are not well understood, but these could include
In many parts of Australia, kangaroo numbers have declined to less than the quasi-extinction density of five kangaroos per square kilometre, the nominal value of kangaroo densities taken to ndicate the effective loss of the species (Hacker et al, 2004).
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